I love this story. Your daughter is both fierce and wise beyond her years. I'm going to follow her example and keep feeling the fear and doing it anyway!!!

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I love this. Thank you. Your daughter seems like a sensitive, knowing soul. Reading this reminds me of the first time I felt a book perfectly articulate a feeling that seemed so potent, but unnameable — one of those feelings you wondered if other people were having. A certain loneliness or wistfulness or fear. Finding it in a book made me feel like someone else understood me, someone much wiser than me, someone almost divine, and I was so in awe of the fact that a book could do this to me. Books allowed me to experience these feelings safely and brace myself against them by practicing what they feel like and becoming stronger (in theory, at least). These moments of resonance with books seems so blissfully human. Your daughter is finding it early. With a mom who helps other people feel that same feeling when they read. Thank you!

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I love how you write about this and the parallels you draw but I especially appreciate how you honor her as she is and give her the confidence to explore her fierce self.

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